偷天換日 the Italian Job 是"小口米"的主題電影唷!!
發現了 有the Italian Job 的遊樂設施, 有the Italian Job 的PS2
對了 這部片是1969年"the Italian Job" 的重新翻拍版本
仔細瞧瞧~ 經過多年之後 "小口米" 是不是變得更可愛了ㄋ?
The Italian Job (2003)
Tagline: Steal The Day 5.30.03
A gang of robbers, lead by career criminal Charlie Croker, create the largest traffic jam in Los Angeles history, giving them time to pull off a theft of gold bullion. They get away in their Mini Coopers, which are small enough to drive on sidewalks so they can make a clean get away before the traffic jam clears.
The Italian Job (1969)
Tagline: Introducing the plans for a new business venture: "The Italian Job."
Charlie has just left prison, and now wants to do a 'big job'. The job is to steal $4m of gold arriving in Italy from China. Charlie's job needs financing, so he goes to Mr Bridger (a Mafia-type boss) who is in prison (Charlie has to break in !). In Italy, a clever plan is used to distract the authorities, while the raiders make their get-away in three Minis. This leads to an excellent car chase sequence through Italian streets, buildings, rivers, sewers, highways and rooftops which lasts for several minutes.
另一個小米說: 這是一部所有MINI 車主都要列入MINI 系列收藏品的電影
在看完幸福的大稻埕煙花之後 我們在台北車站前的光南 找到了這張DVD
真怪, 這部片偶怎麼一點印象都沒有呢??
應該重播不少次了吧!? 遙控器總在65~71台間游走的小米怎沒看過勒?
看了一大半 才發現有瞄過其中幾個鏡頭 但是大概是沒看到Charlize Theron 所以就轉台了
話說回來 Charlize Theron 是小米挺喜歡的女星唷!! Sweet November 也是一部由她主演的好片
片子一開始的"偷天換日"手法, 以及在威尼斯的飛船追逐 就十分緊張刺激了
(那時還不知情的小米 一直在苦等可愛的MINI出場 )
接下來 Edward Norton飾演的Steve (HE'S THE DOUBLE CROSS) 來個黑吃黑
一年後 Mark Wahlberg飾演的Charlie (HE'S GOT THE PLAN) 來個復仇計畫
說復仇計畫有點太過了, 但是最後Charilze Theron 揮了那一拳 還真是大快人心
在官網中的每個出場的主角 都有個稱號
Charlize Theron 飾演的 Stella, SHE'S THE WAY IN
三台MINI 在片中的表現 真是太神奇囉!!
沒有可愛的MINI 就沒辦法完成這項"偷天換日"的任務
尤其是有一段在水管裡面開車的鏡頭 小米更是瞪大了眼睛在看
反正, MINI就是這樣可愛!!
那個the Italian Job 的遊樂設施好讚喔~!!!遊樂內容只提供車車乘座嗎? 希望有莎莉賽隆級的美女為您開車... @_@y